Support for you

Life after loss is hard. Our experts are here to help you find your way.

Many people describe feeling shocked and overwhelmed by the intensity of their thoughts and emotions following loss.
We are here to help you make sense of them and to find your way forward.

Do you find yourself asking:
  • Is how I’m feeling ‘normal’?
  • How will I manage the weeks and months ahead?
  • How did other people cope
  • How will I ever feel ready to try for another baby?
  • How can I return to work
  • Where can I get the help that I need?

If so, you are not alone. And we have a range of ways that we can help.

How we can help

We have a wealth of
accessible and evidence based information written
by an expert Clinical Psychologist

Online courses and webinars (coming soon)

Our online courses and webinars are developed and delivered by healthcare professionals and qualified experts in their field.

Single or packages of sessions with Dr Michelle Tolfrey to help you work out exactly what you need.

Although there are many sources of support available, it can take time and effort to find it – which is overwhelming when you are grieving. We want to make this easier by:

Providing you with evidence-based information about grief, the impact of loss on mental health and wellbeing – including how and where to ask for help.

Providing you with evidence-based information about grief, the impact of loss on mental health and wellbeing – including how and where to
ask for help.

Providing resources for those who support you, such as friends, colleagues and professionals) so that they can better understand and feel more confident in how to be there for you.

Signposting you to charities and other organisations that can offer information, advice and support that is specific to your circumstances

Sharing a wide range of personal stories of loss and life thereafter, to help you feel less alone.

We believe in the power of the community. It is only by hearing many people’s stories and experiences of baby loss that we can better understand how to help. There is no right or wrong way to navigate life after the loss of your baby. What matters is that you feel informed, supported and less alone.

“It was so helpful to talk through how I was feeling and know that it was completely normal. Also, getting an idea of what things could help me and where to find support when I need it was invaluable.”